The Wrath of Khan

The unfortunate passing of Mr. Nimoy aka Mr. Spock has saddened me today as a fan. He was amazing in that role and brought so much to the screen. My favorite movie by far of the original cast is The Wrath of Khan. 

Everyone who loves Star Trek knows it well. The last scene where Spock saves the crew and ship by sacrificing himself made me tear up as a young teen and cry openly as an adult. Ironic as it may be the character he displayed showed no emotion but those of us who invested in his character could do little to avoid the raw emotion of his death. 

“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one” a quote I didn’t have to google to recall. Powerful and true to its core. If only people could be more like Spock. What a wonderful place it would be. 

He lived long, 83 years long.  He prospered both on and off the camera. Goodbye Mr Nimoy you were one of the good guys…



112 weddings… Will 50% end badly???

A very interesting concept for a documentary. The directors voice over keeps it humorous but it drags at times. 

It occurred to me that the best way to have done the couple interviews would have been separate. The honesty seemed to be there together but some points were somewhat held back.  

The Brooklyn couple seemed to driven by the husband almost speaking for her. However her eyes told a whole other story.  This is just one example of how much deeper it appeared he could go to show how marriage impacts 2 individuals over a life together. 

The crazy screenwriter was an awesome ad for not overdosing on psychosematic drugs lol I loved seeing the can of raid on his counter right next to his giant salt shaker. #random

Overall it’s worth watching but with so much great footage I was left wanting a bit more. 


50 shades of grey… Literally

So after having a ton of dental work done and being on prescription strength Valium, I decided to walk to the movies. Honestly, the movie I wanted to see was kingsmen but I couldn’t walk fast enough. So, here I am surrounded by women over 50 at the 3’oclock showing of 50 shades. 

I must confess I have not read the books but know some who have, they are all women. I don’t know what to expect but I’m worried that there is a high chance of a heart attack in this theater if it gets too steamy. 

I will post an update once I finish watching. Wish me luck AARP…


it wasn’t very good….  The end
